Conferences (refereed)

From Static to Dynamic Analysis and Allocation of Resources for BPMN Processes.

Francisco Durán, Yliès Falcone, Camilo Rocha, Gwen Salaün, Ahang Zuo. 14th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA 2022). Munich, April 2022.

paper  |  pre-print  | bibtex

Business Processes Analysis with Resource-Aware Machine Learning Scheduling in Rewriting Logic.

Francisco Durán, Daniela Martínez, Camilo Rocha. 14th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA 2022). Munich, April 2022.

paper  |  pre-print  | bibtex

Building Differential Co-expression Networks with Variable Selection and Regularization.

Camila Riccio, Jorge Finke, Camilo Rocha. 11th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2022). Palermo, November 2022.

paper  |  pre-print  | bibtex

A Network-based Approach for Inferring Thresholds in Co-expression Networks.

Nicolás López, Miguel Romero, Jorge Finke, Camilo Rocha. 11th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2022). Palermo, November 2022.

paper  |  pre-print  | bibtex

Using the Duplication-Divergence Network Model to Predict Protein-Protein Interactions.

Nicolás López, Jorge Finke, Camilo Rocha. 11th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2022). Palermo, November 2022.

paper  |  pre-print  | bibtex

Supervised Gene Function Prediction Using Spectral Clustering on Gene Co-expression Networks.

Miguel Romero, Óscar Ramírez, Jorge Finke, Camilo Rocha. 10th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2020). Madrid, December 2021.

paper  |  pre-print  | bibtex

Algorithmic Analysis of Blockchain Efficiency with Communication Delay.

Carlos Pinzón, Camilo Rocha, Jorge Finke. 23rd International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE 2020). Dublin, April 2020.

paper  |  pre-print  | bibtex

Verification of the IBOS Browser Security Properties in Reachability Logic.

Stephen Skeirik, José Meseguer, Camilo Rocha. 13th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA 2020). Dublin, April 2020.

paper  |  pre-print  | bibtex

Analysis of the Runtime Resource Provisioning of BPMN Processes Using Maude.

Francisco Durán, Camilo Rocha, Gwen Salaün. 13th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA 2020). Dublin, April 2020.

paper  |  pre-print  | bibtex

Spectral Evolution of Twitter Mention Networks.

Miguel Romero, Camilo Rocha, Jorge Finke. 8th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019). Lisbon, December 2019.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex

In-silico Gene Annotation Prediction Using the Co-expression Network Structure.

Miguel Romero, Jorge Finke, Mauricio Quimbaya, Camilo Rocha. 8th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019). Lisbon, December 2019.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex

Analysis of Resource Allocation of BPMN Processes.

Francisco Durán, Camilo Rocha, Gwen Salaün. 17th International Conference Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2019). Toulouse, 2019.

paper  |  pre-print  | bibtex

Computing the Parallelism Degree of Timed BPMN Processes.

Francisco Durán, Camilo Rocha, Gwen Salaün. STAF Workshops 2018 (STAF 2018). Toulouse, June 2018.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex

Proving Ground Confluence of Equational Specifications Modulo Axioms.

Francisco Durán, José Meseguer, Camilo Rocha. 12th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA 2018). Thessaloniki, April 2018.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Symbolic Specification and Verification of Data-Aware BPMN Processes Using Rewriting Modulo SMT.

Francisco Durán, Camilo Rocha, Gwen Salün. 12th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA 2018). Thessaloniki, April 2018.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex

Real-Time Rewriting Logic Semantics for Spatial Concurrent Constraint Programming.

Sergio Ramírez, Miguel Romero, Camilo Rocha, Frank Valencia. 12th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA 2018). Thessaloniki, April 2018.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Proving Structural Properties of Sequent Systems in Rewriting Logic.

Carlos Olarte, Elaine Pimentel, Camilo Rocha. 12th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA 2018). Thessaloniki, April 2018.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Symbolic Execution and Reachability Analysis using Rewriting Modulo SMT for Spatial Concurrent Constraint Systems with Extrusion.

Miguel Romero and Camilo Rocha. 10th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2018). Hampton, April 2018.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Guarded Terms for Rewriting Modulo SMT.

Kyungmin Bae and Camilo Rocha. 14th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2017). Braga, October 2017. (Best Paper Award).

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Reliable Control Architecture with PLEXIL and ROS for Autonomous Wheeled Robots.

Héctor Cadavid, Alexander Pérez, Camilo Rocha. 12th Colombian Conference on Computing (12CCC). Cali, September 2017.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Axiomatic Set Theory à la Dijkstra and Scholten.

Ernesto Acosta, Bernarda Aldana, Jaime Bohórquez, Camilo Rocha. 12th Colombian Conference on Computing (12CCC). Cali, September 2017.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Verification-driven Development of ICAROUS Based on Automatic Reachability Analysis.

Marco A. Feliú, Camilo Rocha, Swee Balachandran. International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software (SPIN 2017). Santa Barbara, July 2017.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Double-spend Attack Models with Time Advantage for Bitcoin.

Carlos Pinzón and Camilo Rocha. 42nd Latin American Symposium on Theory of Computation (in Latin American Informatics Conference) (CLEI XLII). Valparaíso, September 2016.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Library Management for PVS.

Miguel Romero and Camilo Rocha. 11th Colombian Conference on Computing (11CCC). Popayán, September 2016.

pre-print  |  slides  |  tool

Formal Verification of Safety Properties for a Cache Coherence Protocol.

Sergio Ramírez and Camilo Rocha. 10th Colombian Conference on Computing (10CCC). Bogotá, September 2015.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Executable Calculational Specifications.

Francisco Cháves and Camilo Rocha. 10th Colombian Conference on Computing (10CCC). Bogotá, September 2015.

paper  |  pre-print  | bibtex  |  slides  |  tool

The Formal System of Dijkstra and Scholten.

Camilo Rocha. Logic, Rewriting, and Concurrency; Essays Dedicated to José Meseguer on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (LRC2015). Urbana, September 2015.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Mechanical Analysis of Reliable Communication Using the Maude Invariant Analyzer Tool in the Alternating Bit Protocol.

Camilo Rocha and José Meseguer. Specification, Algebra, and Software; A Festschrift Symposium in Honor of Kokichi Futatsugi (SAS2014). Kanazawa, April 2014.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides  |  tool

Rewriting Modulo SMT and Open System Analysis.

Camilo Rocha, José Meseguer, César Muñoz. 10th International Workshop on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (WRLA2014). Grennoble, April 2014.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides  |  tool

Automatic Proof-Search Heuristics in the Maude Invariant Analyzer Tool.

Camilo Rocha. 8th Colombian Conference on Computing (8CCC). Armenia, August 2013.

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A Formal Interactive Verification Environment for the Plan Execution Interchange Language.

Camilo Rocha, Héctor Cadavid, César Muñoz, Radu Siminiceanu. 9th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (iFM2012). Pisa, June 2012.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Order-Sorted Equality Enrichments Modulo Axioms.

Raúl Gutiérrez, José Meseguer,  Camilo Rocha. 9th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA12). Tallinn, March 2012.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides  | tool

Towards a Maude Formal Environment.

Francisco Durán, Camilo Rocha, José M. Álvarez. Formal Modeling: Actors, Open Systems, Biological Systems - Essays Dedicated to Carolyn Talcott on the Occasion of Her 70th Birthday (FCT). Menlo Park, November 2011.

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Simulation and Verification of Synchronous Set Relations in Rewriting Logic.

Camilo Rocha and César Muñoz. 14th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF2011). São Paulo, September 2011.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides  |  tool

Proving Safety Properties of Rewrite Theories.

Camilo Rocha and José Meseguer. 4th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO2011). Winchester, August 2011.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides  |  tool

Tool Interoperability in the Maude Formal Environment.

Francisco Durán, Camilo Rocha, José M. Álvarez. 4th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO-Tools2011). Winchester, August 2011.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides  |  tool

Constructors, Sufficient Completeness and Deadlock Freedom of Rewrite Theories.

Camilo Rocha and José Meseguer. 17th International Conference on Logic Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR17). Yogyakarta, October 2010.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides  |  tool

Rewriting Logic Semantics of a Plan Execution Language.

Gilles Dowek, César Muñoz, Camilo Rocha. 6th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics (SOS09). Bologna, August 2009.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides  |  tool

A Graphical Environment for the Semantic Validation of a Plan Execution Language.

Camilo Rocha, César Muñoz, Héctor Cadavid. 3rd International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology (SMC-IT). Pasadena, July 2009.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Theorem Proving Based on Boolean Equational Procedures.

Camilo Rocha and José Meseguer. 10th International Conference on Relational Methods in Computer Science/Fifth International Conference on Applications of Kleene Algebra (RelMiCS10/AKA5). Frauenwörth, April 2008.

paper  |  pre-print  |  bibtex

Assisted Calculational Proofs and Proof Checking Based on Partial Orders.

Jaime Bohórquez and Camilo Rocha. Formal Methods in Computer Science Education 2008 (FORMED). Budapest, March 2008.


A Rewriting Decision Procedure for Dijkstra-Scholten’s Syllogistic Logic with Complements.

Camilo Rocha and José Meseguer. 2nd Colombian Conference on Computing (2CCC). Bogotá, April 2007.

pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Una Semántica de Ensamblaje y Composición de Servicios y Componentes.

Camilo Rocha, Rafael García and Rubby Casallas. 9a Conferencia Iberoamericana de Software Engineering (CIbSE 2006) La Plata, April 2006.

pre-print  |  bibtex  |  slides

Towards the Effective Use of Formal Logic in the Teaching of Discrete Mathematics.

Jaime Bohórquez and Camilo Rocha. Sixth International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET). Santo Domingo, July 2005.

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