
Business Processes Resource Management using Rewriting Logic and Deep-learning-based Predictive Monitoring

Francisco Durán, Nicolás Pozas, Camilo Rocha. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. Volume 136, January 2024.

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Prediction of Crossover Recombination using Parental Genomes

Mauricio Peñuela, Camila Riccio, Jorge Finke, Camilo Rocha, Anestis Gkanogiannis, Rod Wing, Mathias Lorieux . PLoS ONE, 18(2), February 2023.

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Gene Expression Datasets for Two Versions of the Saccharum spontaneum AP85-441 Genome

Nicolás López, Mauricio Ramírez, Miguel Romero, Jorge Finke, Camilo Rocha. Data, 8(1), January 2023.

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Leveraging class hierarchy for detecting missing annotations on hierarchical multi-label classification

Miguel Romero, Felipe Nakano, Jorge Finke, Camilo Rocha. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 152: 106423, January 2023.

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A Rewriting Logic Approach to Specification, Proof-search, and Meta-proofs in Sequent Systems

Carlos Olarte, Elaine Pimentel, Camilo Rocha. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. Volume 130, January 2023.

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Methylation in the CHH Context Allows to Predict Recombination in Rice

Mauricio Peñuela, Jenny Gallo-Franco, Jorge Finke, Camilo Rocha, Anestis Gkanogiannis, Thaura Ghneim-Herrera, Mathias Lorieux. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(20), 12505. October 2022.

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The ÓMICAS Alliance, an International Research Program on Multi-omics for Crop Breeding Optimization

Andres Jaramillo-Botero, Julián Colorado, Mauricio Quimbaya, María Rebolledo, Mathias Lorieux, Thaura Ghneim-Herrera, Carlos Arango, Luis Tobón, Jorge Finke, Camilo Rocha, Fernando Muñoz, John Riascos, Fernando Silva, Ngonidzashe Chirinda, Mario Caccamo, Klaas Vandepoele, William Goddard III. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10. October 2022.

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A Top-down Supervised Learning Approach to Hierarchical Multi-label Classification in Networks

Miguel Romero, Óscar Ramírez, Jorge Finke, Camilo Rocha. Applied Network Science, 7:28. May 2022.

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Feature Extraction with Spectral Clustering for Gene Function Prediction using Hierarchical Multi-label Classification

Miguel Romero, Jorge Finke, Camilo Rocha. Applied Network Science, 7:8. February 2022.

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Identifying Stress Responsive Genes using Overlapping Communities in Co-expression Networks

Camila Riccio-Rengifo, Jorge Finke, Camilo Rocha. BMC Bioinformatics, 192. November 2021.

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Resource Provisioning Strategies for BPMN Processes: Specification and Analysis using Maude

Francisco Durán, Camilo Rocha, Gwen Salaün. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (JLAMP), 123. November 2021.

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Spectral Evolution with Approximated Eigenvalue Trajectories for Link Prediction

Miguel Romero, Jorge Finke, Camilo Rocha, Luis Tobón. Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM), 10:60. July 2020.

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Ground Confluence of Order-sorted Conditional Specifications Modulo Axioms

Francisco Durán, José Meseguer, Camilo Rocha. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (JLAMP), 111. February 2020.

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A Rewriting Logic Approach to Resource Allocation Analysis in Business Process Models

Francisco Durán, Camilo Rocha, Gwen Salaün. Science of Computer Programming (SCP), 183. September 2019.

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Symbolic State Space Reduction with Guarded Terms for Rewriting Modulo SMT

Kyungmin Bae and Camilo Rocha. Science of Computer Programming (SCP), 178. June 2019.

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Estimating Formation Mechanisms and Degree Distributions in Mixed Attachment Networks

Jan Medina, Jorge Finke, Camilo Rocha. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (JPhysA), 52 (9), February 2019.

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Stochastic Analysis of BPMN with Time in Rewriting Logic

Francisco Durán, Camilo Rocha, Gwen Salaün. Science of Computer Programming (SCP), 168, December 2018.

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Rewriting Modulo SMT and Open System Analysis

Camilo Rocha, José Meseguer, César Muñoz. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (JLAMP), 86(1), January 2017.

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Double-spend Attack Models with Time Advantage for Bitcoin

Carlos Pinzón and Camilo Rocha. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 329C, December 2016.

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Order-sorted Equality Enrichments Modulo Axioms

Raúl Gutiérrez, José Meseguer, Camilo Rocha. Science of Computer Programming (SCP), 99(1), March 2015.

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Synchronous Set Relations in Rewriting Logic

Camilo Rocha and César Muñoz. Science of Computer Programming (SCP), 92(B), October 2014.

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Automatic Proof-Search Heuristics in the Maude Invariant Analyzer Tool

Camilo Rocha. Revista Colombiana de Computación (RCC), 14(2), December 2013.

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A Formal Library of Set Relations and its Application to Synchronous Languages

Camilo Rocha, César Muñoz, Gilles Dowek. Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), 412(37), August 2011.

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A Rewriting Decision Procedure for Dijkstra-Scholten’s Syllogistic Logic with Complements

Camilo Rocha and José Meseguer. Revista Colombiana de Computación (RCC), 8(2), December 2007.

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